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"COME UNDER MY UMBRELLA" Perfect for our rainy days!

"COME UNDER MY UMBRELLA" Perfect for our rainy days!


Children Fall In Love With Books Because Of The Memories Created When They Snuggle Up And Read With Someone They Love.

-Raising Readers

Reviews for Come Under My Umbrella

Come Under My Umbrella is a children’s picture book written by Deborah A. Glenn with paintings by Heidi Reeves and photographs of paintings by Mike Stram. The story follows Selah, a young girl with a new umbrella. When rain begins to fall, she happily ventures into the park and sings along to the rhythm of the raindrops on her umbrella. Her singing invites animals to come under her umbrella. At the end of the day, she sees a beautiful rainbow that reminds her of God’s promise of love and care for his children.

Come Under My Umbrella has a heartwarming message, elements of music, and beautiful visuals that make it a memorable book. The collaboration between the author, the painter, and the photographer has produced amazing work. Deborah A. Glenn uses a calm and welcoming tone to tell the story and utilizes words that appeal to children. She also added Bible verses to remind them that they are loved and cared for. My favorite part of this book was the art. The paintings grabbed my attention and stirred my heart because I could feel Selah’s emotions in every scene. I felt sad when she was looking out the window and desperately hoping for the rain. I was happy when she saw the butterfly and I got frightened when she almost lost the umbrella.

Get a copy of this book and join Selah along her path. I highly recommend this book because it carries a powerful message of love.

Readers’ Favorites

Come Under My Umbrella by Deborah Glenn and artwork by Heidi Reeves, is really one of the loveliest children's books I've ever experienced.  Readers are brought into the bright wonder of a "day in the life" of a little girl named Selah, when she pleads to spend her day outside in creation on a wonderfully rainy day.  Suited up and with the heart of a sweet child, her playful exploration leads to earnestly seeking to protect all the little creatures who come along, inviting them under the sure safety of her umbrella.  A lesson of God's special invitation, His desire to love, protect, and care for us all, is unveiled in this beautiful story for children and adults alike.  The accompanying artwork keeps one turning pages with perfect and gorgeous paintings that are sure to touch all who enjoy.

A Thompson


Everyone carries their own unique gifts and talents that God has given them - THEIR GOLD! When a child or anyone hears how beautiful, special, and gifted, they are, they shine. Noticing and calling out that GOLD in children and others is powerful and many times life-changing. 

We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it! Ephesians 2:10 (TPT)

Twila Harrison Twila Harrison


My first book Come Under My Umbrella is being published as I write this post. We are celebrating the joy it will bring to children around the world!

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Featured Twila Harrison Featured Twila Harrison


There is more to this storybook than just a fun story. Come take a look! My dear friend Heidi Reeves did the illustrations. Each page is a stunning work of art filling the pages with color and light and bringing the story to life.

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I would love to come and share my book and read to your group of children. Schedule a reading session today!

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